Dear LabCollector Friends,
As another full year reachs an end, I would like in the name of the whole AgileBio/LabCollector’s team whish you all the best and a new year of 2018 full of success.
LabCollector continues its road to serve you all better. We had very challenging and interesting projects that as always helped the whole community by bringing new features.
I invite you to keep exchanging with us as needed so we can keep the pace to enrich LabCollector.On a side note, if you look carefuly to the greeting card above, you can have a hint of what’s next… Have you spotted it? Keep tuned!
LabCollector continues its road to serve you all better. We had very challenging and interesting projects that as always helped the whole community by bringing new features.
I invite you to keep exchanging with us as needed so we can keep the pace to enrich LabCollector.On a side note, if you look carefuly to the greeting card above, you can have a hint of what’s next… Have you spotted it? Keep tuned!
Thank you all! We’re all commited to you and make your team work more agile!
Pierre Rodrigues & the LabCollector team!