All good things are coming your way with our new LabCollector v6.0!
We are launching LabCollector v6.0 with all new and exciting features.
We promised you to stay tuned with us for more information…….here is our other sensational feature in LabCollector v6.0…File Connector!
Uploading and editing documents became a whole lot easier with our new tool File Connector.
File Connector enables you to connect to different file editing systems allowing you to edit any file type easily and swiftly in real-time!
This means you no more have to worry about downloading or uploading documents to edit them.
The main feature of File Connector is that the file that is stored on the remote server of LabCollector, can be edited locally as needed and sent back to the LabCollector server on each save!
What is the usual way you edit the contents in a file?
- Going to the location where the file is uploaded
- Downloading & saving the file needed to be edited
- Opening the file
- Editing the file
- Saving the edited version
- Re-uploading the edited file back
We never really realize that we do so many steps just for editing a file…..Right? and what if you uploaded the wrong file or forgot to save the edited version.
Moreover, what if your computer shuts down…battery dead, some issue!!! Does your file gets uploaded then? So many things that can go wrong which could cost you a lot of time.
To make file editing quicker and reliable, we have launched our new File connector software that saves you from all this hassle and makes editing any file easier and time-saving for you. Our file connector uses the TCP/IP settings to allow communication between two or more computers thereby making editing files easier even remotely.
All you have to do is open the file you want to edit and edit it. The rest is taken care of by our File Connector.
If you are using LabCollector and its add-ons such as Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) or Lab service Management (LSM) then you can imagine you will store the required documents with each record that you create.
For example, in ELN you can imagine storing an Adobe illustrator file for making high graphic diagrams or Photoshop to create paper worthy images or to store excel files, pdf documents, word documents containing protocols, or recipes or any raw result data.
Our LSM is perfect for labs that carry our various tests and one can imagine uploading various word files with some reagent recipes or pdf files that could be needed during the tests or the results carrying excel file after the tests are performed.
Whenever you wish to add or edit data to such files, what would be your first step generally?
Download, save, edit, save, upload and so on. right?
You no more have to go through this long time-consuming procedure. Our File connector reduces all these steps and lets you edit and upload the file in real-time. You don’t have to worry if during file editing you close the software accidentally or if you forgot to save. The file connector saves these files in the list when you reopen the file connector with the information of when the file was stored or modified.
Until you remove the file from by giving the “Discard” command, the file will be saved in the file connector.
You can even specify the software to open and edit the file in. It gives you the flexibility to choose the settings for which software you want chose to work with using the mask editor option. (click on the link in the sentence to check out our Knowledgebase)
Editing files can make life much easier!
As long as you have specific software installed on your computer you can use it to edit your file.
To sum up, our File Connector offers you the versatility to adapt yourself to various file formats making it easy to store and edit data more smoothly.
Check out all LabCollector v6.0 today!
To help set up LabCollector v6.0 please refer to our Manuals and our Knowledgebase.
MacOS version….Coming soon….Stay tuned!
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