You are currently viewing Automation for Sample Plating with Tube Sorter
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  • Reading time:6 mins read
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Since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressure on laboratories to meet the demand for testing and to increase their efficiency has increased. But pressure often means mistakes… Despite the attention paid to the work performed, human errors are always possible during laboratory analysis and manipulation. One of the safest ways to avoid these errors is to automate the processes in the laboratory. The automation of processes has developed enormously with the rise in the use of PCR for COVID testing.

LabCollector intervenes on many points allowing the automation of laboratories. To know more about it you can visit our website.

One of the tools allowing automation with LabCollector is the Tube Sorter add-on. Receiving samples, positioning on a plate, creating instruction files for tube sorting robots, discover now how Tube Sorter can help you in your laboratory!

Tube Sorter add-on

What does this add-on do?

The Tube Sorter add-on allows you to organize the received samples or those in storage and place them on a work tray. The main application of this add-on is that it allows to automatically generate a sampling list and the necessary instruction files for the tube sorting robots. Many equipments are compatible with this add-on (for example: BioMicroLab, Fluidgim, Hamilton, Illumina) and many more are coming!

Find the list of equipment compatible with our solution.

Tube Sorter functionning

Which tools are available?

Several tools within the same add-on are available in order to best meet all needs. Choose between 14 tools that are currently available for :

  • Creating instruction files
  • Generating samples manifest files
  • Modifying existing plates

Connected to LabCollector Storage

This add-on is connected to the LabCollector storage. This implies a simplification of the processes. Indeed, once the samples are received thanks to Sample Receiving, the plates are already created with the location assigned to each sample in the storage. Generating a manifest file takes only a few minutes! The information about each plate is shared with Tube Sorter, where you can select the desired plate and generate the file automatically.

Interconnections between add-ons and LabCollector save considerable time and eliminate transcription errors.

How to use Tube Sorter?

Read our Knowledge Base to learn more about Tube Sorter.

Generate in one minute a sample manifest file

Generate a sample manifest file with Tube Sorter

Merge 96 plates into 384 plate

Merge 96 plates into 384 plate with Tube Sorter

Simplify automation with Tube Sorter

Simplify the creation of plate maps for your PCR with the Tube Sorter add-on. Select the option you need, and generate a file in a few clicks.

Your PCR machine, at the end of its run, will be able to generate an accurate result file with the location of each sample. No more transcription errors, Tube Sorter is an integral part of your laboratory automation.

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